in the heart of Cairo

With deepest sadness, His Highness The Aga Khan passed away today .
The Aga khan trust for Culture in Egypt offers its deepest condolences to his Family Members May God rest his soul in peace.
The 360 Experience
Alazhar park is keen to offer all means of facilities, safety and utilities to help our visitors get the optimum park experience .
We provide a wide range of facilities including:

History of Al-Azhar Park
In 1984, His Highness the Aga Khan announced his decision to create a park for the Cairene to commemorate the foundations of Cairo by his ancestors, the Fatimids, in 969. The selected location was the derelict Darassa site, a 30-hectare mound of rubble between the castern edge of the 12th century City Walls and the “City of the Dead”. Al-Azhar Park opened to the public in 2005.
Eastern City Wall of Cairo
Archacological research reveald the remains of the first Citv Wall built from mud bricks in 969 by Jawhar al-Sigilli. A century later, the Fatimid Bad al-Jamali constructed a new city wall in 1087, adding three monumental gates built in stone. During the reign of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi, the defensive wall was enlarged for the third time, this time with limestone..

Al-Azhar park welcomes its visitors from all-over the world to attend and enjoy its unique festivals and events.
With a large variety of cultural and entertainment events, Al-Azhar Park is all about bringing authenticity and unforgettable experiences to its visitors.

Relax, unwind and enjoy the beauty of nature and a breath of fresh air.
A space of 72-acres of greenery, including various trees and rare plantations, Al-Azhar Park is the perfect go-to place to relax and escape the hassle of the city.
The special architecture along with the historical views, makes this park a special place to host commercial and private events.

Enjoy our amazing variety of Restaurants
Discover Al Azhar Park
explore our EVENTs
At Al-Azhar Park, we aim to offer a diversified event calendar with distinct entertainment genres.
Here’s everything you need to know about our events.
Want to discover the
architectural treasures
of old Cairo?
The Aga Khan foundation went through a serious process of bringing most of the monuments back to life with a huge work of monument development and restoration, in order to truly make everyone see the magnificence of the architecture, the history, and even the traditional handcrafts which was present from over a 1000 years and still up and running to this day. This route will definitely take you on a trip down history’s lane, and you’ll be able to see a total of 16 of the most mesmerizing and historical islamic monuments including mosques, schools, complexes, palaces and even 700 year old ancient handicraft markets whose owners are as talented and skilled as ever.